Garden Club Offers Hands-On Seed Starting Workshop

Tuesday, March 21, at 6 PM

By Justine Puliafico
Eliza Howard of Spring Ledge Farm will be presenting a workshop at the Andover Community Hub for the Andover Garden Club on all aspects of seed starting. The date is Tuesday, March 21, at 6 PM. Photo: Allison Dobrowski

The seed catalogs are in the mail and the choices are endless – so many heirlooms and new and improved varieties of herbs, vegetables, and flowers! Why grow from seed, you ask? 

Growing from seed gives you a wider array of plant options, allows you to push the growing season, saves money, gives you control over the growing environment, makes you less dependent on others, and lets you determine and plant the exact numbers of plants you want, rather than buying the nursery grower’s standard four- or six-packs.

Is this reason enough? Would you like to try your success at growing plants from seeds, but need help getting started? The Andover Garden Club is hosting a Seed Starting Workshop beginning at 6 PM on Tuesday, March 21, at the Andover Elementary/Middle School gymnasium. Eliza Howard from Spring Ledge Farm in New London shares her knowledge of sowing seeds, caring for seedlings, hardening off plants (the process of adapting plants to the outside), and planting them in the garden.

During the first half of the program, Eliza will present the fascinating history of Spring Ledge Farm, a New Hampshire Department of Agriculture “Farm of Distinction,” following which she will lead a hands-on seed-sowing workshop. Spring Ledge will provide all of the supplies including a selection of herbs, vegetables, and flower seeds; soil; and a 2×6 pack tray per person.

The first half of the program is free to all. Seed sowing is $10 per person to cover the cost of supplies. Seed sowers, bring your own gloves; a large spoon or hand trowel; and apron and facemask (if you desire).

To participate in seed sowing, RSVP to no later than March 10 so that supplies can be arranged. For those attending only the business meeting and first half of the program, RSVP by March 17 to allow for planning of room set-up and the always-delectable refreshments!