Uncle Sam has led the Andover Fourth of July Parade since 2004. Charlie Darling has enthusiastically and happily taken on this role. Charlie told me he “absolutely loved it” year after year. Charlie is not able to continue this tradition due to advancing age, health issues, and stamina. Therefore, there is an amazing opportunity awaiting the right person.
In 2004, Uncle Sam led the parade to draw attention to the brand-new Andover Beacon that had just launched. He carried a sandwich board for awareness and fundraising purposes. However, after that first year Charlie led the parade for pure and simple fun! In fact, he would lead the parade, catch up to the end of the parade, and bring up the rear. He did two laps in the early years!
The Andover Fourth of July committee is looking for someone to carry on the tradition of Uncle Sam. Charlie will even give you his costume! Charlie misses the interaction with the parade crowd. Leading the parade, you are met with a sea of excited, smiling faces. Charlie told me that you see everyone at their best as they anticipate the parade and festivities of the day. “It is so much fun and so worth doing” shared Charlie. Bantering back and forth with the crowd was enjoyable for Charlie. Of course, you will always be recognized as Uncle Sam whether you are leading the parade or sorting recyclables at the transfer station.
So… who is interested? This is a great way to connect with the community. The next Uncle Sam might be a high school student, a college student returning for the summer, a community member, etc. The next Uncle Sam needs to be passionate about this exciting opportunity.
If you are interested, or if you know someone who you think might be perfect for the role, please contact Doug Phelps or Donna Smith. Doug can be reached at doug.phelps80@nullgmail.com and Donna at donnafrench@nullcomcast.net. You can also visit the Andover Fourth of July Facebook page. The Fourth of July committee meets monthly all year, and they look forward to finding the right person to lead the parade.