Hub’s “Coffee With the Chief” Offers Residents Chance to Interact

Wednesday, April 5, 6:30 PM

Press release

Andover Police Chief Joe Mahoney will join interested residents for an informal “Coffee with the Chief” on Wed. April 5, at 6:30 PM. Chief Mahoney will share any new developments or information that the Police Department would like residents to be aware of, and it’s also an opportunity for residents to ask questions or raise issues that they’re concerned about.

 “Coffee with the Chief” is held monthly and provides a chance for a community “chief” or the head of a town commission, board, or office to help keep lines of communication open between residents and those who have leadership roles in the town of Andover.

The Hub is located at 157 Main Street, next to Pizza Chef, and is universally accessible.  For further information, residents can contact or 603 735-5509.