We are back! I know it has been a few months since the Andover Fire Department has had an article in the Beacon, but it has been very busy around here with some administrative changes.
As most of you know, Chief Rene Lefebvre has retired from the Andover Fire Department after 49 years in the fire service. Thank you, Chief, for all you have done for the community and the department!
Our former Deputy, Steve Barton, has stepped up as the Chief of Andover Fire Department. Chief Barton has been in the Andover Fire Department for 30 years and we look forward to working with him in his new position.
Jake Otis has stepped up from Captain and is now the new Deputy Chief. He has been in the fire service for 16 years and is excited to continue to serve the community of Andover for many more years to come.
We are finally out of winter and into the busy summer months. Our annual fundraising events are closing in fast. We will have our tent set up on the Town Green for the Fourth of July festivities, offering ice cold waters, delicious snow cones with your choice of flavors, and a spot to get out of the sun and cool down.
We will also be selling tickets for our annual kayak raffle! They are $1 a piece or six for $5. All proceeds go to the Andover Fire Department’s Benevolent account. The funds will go toward getting the remainder of our members into Class A uniforms.
Without much rain, the fire danger has been high for a while now. I would like to remind everyone about campfires and some things to keep in mind when burning. Permits are required when you have any type of fire. Seasonal permits are given out for homeowners depending on the size of your fire pit.
All fires, except for brush piles, need to be in a contained ring and follow all other rules listed on the back of your permits. If you wish to have a brush fire outside of a ring, a different permit is needed for that and can be issued for up to seven days.
At the Main Street Fire Station, the fire danger is posted every morning around 9 AM with the fire danger for that day. If the fire danger is HIGH or above, no brush piles can be burned. If there is a red flag warning in effect, no matter the fire danger level, no fires of any kind should be kindled.
There is also a sign that says, “PERMITS REQUIRED” or “NO PERMITS.” Please check this sign or the state website before you light your fire to make sure you are following the rules and regulations. The list of members to write permits can also be found on the town website.
As always, be safe and be kind!