Eighty-one and counting! Eighty-one years ago, Andover’s young military members answered the call, following the bombing of Pearl Harbor. To brighten the spirits of the townsfolk, especially the children, the Blackwater Grange organized the first Andover Fourth of July celebration, which consisted of a children’s parade.
And here we are today, carrying on the tradition. We’ve added a few features, such as, the market on the Village Green and music on the Village Green, and expanded the parade to include floats, livestock, antique cars, other vehicles, bands, and Mini Kars.
The benefits to the town go beyond simply a fun day for young and old. The celebration also plays a role in fundraising for Andover’s nonprofits. Last year was a record year for some and we hope to expand on that this year.
This year the committee is hoping to entice more community participation in the parade. One way to do that is to enter a float. To sweeten the pot, we are offering a one-time Super Grand Prize of $500 to the best all-around float entry. (Other prizes remain the same: Grand Prize, $250; First Prize, $100; Second, $75; Third, $50.)
IT’S BACK! Plan on arriving in time to enjoy the delicious Lions Club pancake breakfast! A team of supporters have stepped up to make this happen this year.
Highlights of the day:
● Pancake breakfast
● Andover Libraries fantastic book sale
● Oxen demo behind the school headed by Renee Wesoja
● Parade
● 2 Bands on the Village Green
● 30 Vendors on the Village Green
● 3 Inflatables on the Village Green for kids
● 3 Inflatables on Carr Field in the evening for kids
Save the date! Free concert to benefit the Fourth of July event, featuring two bands (Diamond Special and Sneaky Jack) on Thursday, June 8, at 6 PM, at the amphitheater near the Town Hall. Bring lawn chairs, snacks, and bug spray. Rain location: AE/MS gym.
Many community members have inquired as to how they can help on the day of the event. Here are areas where we will need help:
● Parade coordination
● Parking supervision
● Supervision on the Village Green
● Organizing the children’s parade
If you can help in any way, even a short shift, please contact one of us. Doug Phelps (603 977-0037 or doug.phelps80@nullgmail.com); Donna Smith (603 735-6131 or donnafrench@nullcomcast.net); or Beth Frost (603 455-2882 or bfrost99@nullicloud.com).