We hope everyone is surviving the invasion of black flies! We have been busy in the month of May. We began a new class called Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, an eight-week course designed to help integrate one’s humanity with one’s spirituality.
Rummage sales have started up again on the last Saturday of the month (which include pre-made meals), with all proceeds going toward replacing the roof and chimney of the East Andover Village Preschool (to be completed later this summer). If you’d like to help with this major project, mail your tax-free contribution to Andover Community Church, P.O. Box 211, East Andover, NH 03231, attention “Donna.”
On Mother’s Day we handed out baby bottles to be filled with loose change, cash, or checks for Aspire Women’s Center. This mission fundraiser runs through Father’s Day, June 18.
On Friday night, May 5, we had an opportunity to show the movie Jesus Revolution, with Cindy Benson and friends, at the Andover Community Hub. It was a powerful movie, with 25 in attendance.
The following day, Saturday, May 6, our Outreach team set up a booth at the Franklin Community Days in Odell Park where we met a lot of wonderful people. Fun was enjoyed by all.
We are very excited about getting the Highland Lake Grange Hall floor refinished this summer. It will be sanded and treated back to its original sheen. It’s a long overdue project that will add class to the monthly Service Club and Andover Coffee House gatherings.
The Grange Hall continues to be rented out for wedding receptions, birthday parties, anniversaries, and the like. Anyone interested in renting the Hall, please call: 603-393-5470, or email the church at: andoverchurch@nulltds.net.
As usual, there are too many things to note here. Please visit our website at: andovercommunitynh.org for the latest in events and services.