After a long winter, it’s great to see summer arrive. As I write this, Memorial Day is fast approaching. Andover’s Highway Department is currently sprucing up the beach area, including the guard rails along Channel Road, in anticipation of opening day.
The supervisor of the Highway Department is Road Agent Frank Bryson. He just completed his first full year in the role. He supervises two employees, A.J. Barton and Mike Campbell, and hopes to bring on a third employee soon, as discussed and approved at Town Meeting.
Road Agent Bryson appreciates having valued partners in John Thompson and Jon Champagne. Both local business owners have stepped up multiple times to support the Highway Department in many ways.
Road Agent Bryson also appreciates the support residents have given him, especially during his first winter season. Residents often act as his eyes and ears when it comes to Town roads. This was especially true during recent heavy rains.
The highway crew addressed road washouts all over town, including Raccoon Hill Road, Sam Hill Road, Putney Road, and Tucker Mountain Road. Work done made a dent in the Town’s gravel supply, which will be replenished next Spring.
Between storms and projects, the Highway Department can often be seen on Town roads doing ditching work. Ditching helps manage drainage of rainfall. It helps reduce the amount of water on the roads which, in turn, helps preserve the roads.
Mr. Bryson recently met with many residents at an Andover Community Hub “Coffee with the Chief” event. He spoke about the work the Highway Department does for the Town, entertained questions, and shared a bit about his personal life. I heard from several residents that it was a very engaging session and a pleasure to meet him.
If you see a problem on the roads, feel free to call the Highway Department directly, at 603 735-5287, and leave a message. If it’s an emergency, they will drop what they’re doing and respond to the situation. Residents can, and often do, also reach out to me. I happily forward messages to the Road Agent.