Beacon Receives Amazing Response to Request for Support

Efforts include expansion, fundraising, and community

Press release

In response to the Beacon’s request for financial support to secure its future, three donors, all Andover residents or related to Andover, and all asking for anonymity, contributed gifts totaling $10,000 within a short period over the past few months, according to Doug Phelps, chair of the Beacon’s board of directors.

Notes accompanying the three gifts claimed the Beacon “has a special place in my heart,” “is a vital community asset,” and “is a treasure trove of information – truly something for everyone.”

The gifts – of $5,000, $3,000 and $2,000 – will help to fill a gap, and will also support the hiring of a very part-time assistant to the Publisher, focusing on staffing the new office, helping with basic but key tasks and, most importantly, to help search for new advertisers to help us meet our revenue goals. All of this is crucial as we work on expanding our coverage area to include more content from surrounding towns.

Expansion of its coverage is only one goal of the Beacon’s current efforts. Other aspects  include community interactions through events, increasing our volunteers (writers, editors, Board, etc.), and multiple fundraising efforts.

As the June edition of the Beacon went to press, a recently mailed appeal for community support had raised an additional $8,000 (and counting).  Plans are under way to hold special events in the coming months to bring in more.  Watch future Beacon issues for details, and see the article on page XX in this issue!

The Beacon is an important asset to the Andover community, and beyond. Its success is a result of the support given by volunteers, community writers and contributors, donors, and our advertisers, as well as the dedicated staff. The Beacon Board, staff, and volunteers, are extremely grateful.

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