It is hard to believe we are halfway through the year! First of all, thank you to everyone who has donated clothes to the clothing shed. We are helping out so many families in need. Last year, the town donated over 22,000 pounds of clothing for people all around the world. We hope to beat that record this year!
We just finished our Mission of the Month — Aspire Women’s Center. The Mission continued from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day. There were baby bottles for everyone to fill with change. At the time of this writing, the amount collected is not available.
We are excited Lavorgna Construction Company, Danbury, will be installing a new roof and much needed new chimney on the East Andover Village Preschool. We are in the process of raising money for this project and are just $11,000 short of the $28,000 price tag. If you would like to make a donation, please send a check to: Andover Community Church, P.O. Box 211, East Andover, NH 03231. Earmark your tax deduction: Attention Donna. Thank you.
We will be at the Andover Fourth of July celebration selling cotton candy with three flavors. A new flavor we tried last year is maple and was enjoyed by everyone who tried it. All monies raised from this event will also be going to the Preschool roof.
An additional tent from the church will be set up next to the cotton candy, which will give children up to 13 years old a chance to win prizes, meet the pastors, and receive prayer, if requested. We have some pretty cool prizes to pick from. We also have pamphlets that tell a bit about the church. Please feel free to take one!
We will be taking a break for the summer from Godly Play. This kids program for up to grade six has been well received by the children.
The Andover Coffeehouse is also taking the summer off. We look forward to starting back up in September. Speaking of the Grange Hall, we are excited to share that during the first two weeks of August we will be getting the floors completely refinished, so they will look like new! This is being done by Normand Poliquin; they will really “pop” for those renting and meeting at the hall.
The rummage/pre-made meals sales are doing well; they will continue the last Saturday of every month, through October. There are a lot of nice items donated every month. Come join us and see what treasures can be found! If you have any questions, you can contact Pastor Bill at 603 735-5160 or Donna Thompson, at 603 393-5470. Donna’s email address is:
All are invited to visit us for our Sunday service and coffee fellowship afterward. We are a “come as you are” church and welcome locals and vacationers. The service starts at 9:30 AM, after which we have fellowship.
Have a blessed July, and see you next month!