Wilmot Farmers Market

This summer, the Wilmot Farmers Market is focused on creating partnerships with the people they serve. In this space, farmers, artisans, shoppers, and neighbors can meet and work together to meet the ever-changing needs of our rural community. Our local outdoor mall, on the green, is a place to shop, connect, and work together toward common goals, every Saturday from 9 to noon, through September.

A weekly education tent increases community outreach by providing a venue for local groups to increase awareness of opportunities in our area. Whether expanding on community resources, or improving our well-being, these networking opportunities are available free with late September dates still available for qualifying groups.

If you haven’t taken the plunge to support our local food system, August is NH Eat Local Month and makes it a great time to begin. On a broader level, National Farmers Market Week, which runs August 6 through August 12, is an annual celebration of farmers markets proclaimed by the US Department of Agriculture and coordinated by the Farmers Market Coalition. In addition,  I love Farmers Market tattoos and No Farms and No Food bumper stickers are available at the Wilmot Market.  There is also a contest with details at NHeatslocal.com.

The covid pandemic changed many things that we took for granted. When store shelves were bare, connections made through our market brought people directly to farms with ample supplies. Continued support provides these farms with the sustainable powers to stay in business and to be there when you need them. Patrons of the Wilmot Farmers Market continue to support these businesses and directly enable local farms to be an essential part of a sustainable, secure local food system.

Make some connections at the Wilmot Farmers Market, 9 Kearsarge Valley Road in Wilmot Flat. Filled with ample opportunities to learn, grow and work together, you’re invited to become a part of the Wilmot Farmers Market family. For market contact information, visit wilmotfarmersmarket.com or email  wilmotfarmersmarketnh@nullgmail.com.