Summer Music Associates announces the return of Chris Brubeck’s Triple Play on Thursday, August 10, at 7 PM, in the Sawyer Center Theater, Colby-Sawyer College, New London. Triple Play brings its rollicking mix of blues, jazz, and Dave Brubeck classics.
Triple Play is the name given to three outstanding and versatile musicians, Peter Madcat Ruth (on harmonica, guitar, jaw harp, percussion, and vocals), Joel Brown, (folk and classical acoustic guitar and vocals), and Chris Brubeck (electric bass, bass trombone, piano, and vocals). Collectively, they bring a rare level of joy, virtuosity, and American spirit to the folk, blues, jazz, and classical music they perform.
“Triple Play is what jazz always was and always should be about: good-time rhythm, unbridled joy and the sweet release but bittersweet aftertaste of the blues. If there’s a better old-time blues and jazz harmonica player out there than Madcat Ruth, I’d sure love to know where he lives” (music critic Paul deBarros).
Tickets are $25 and $5 for students. They are available at www.summermusicassociates.org,
by calling 603 526-8234, at Tatewell Gallery or Morgan Hill Bookstore in New London, or at the door the evening of the concert.