Fall is a good time for people of all ages to give some thought to health and fitness with an eye to reducing stress, gaining strength and balance, and developing focus. A variety of classes offered at The Andover Community Hub teach these skills in a variety of ways.
Bone Builders is an ongoing, twice-weekly class aimed at preventing or reducing osteoporosis and maintaining strength and balance, led by trained local volunteers. The class meets weekly on Mondays and Thursdays, 9 to 10 AM year-round. It is open to men and women, primarily for those age 55 and older, at all levels of physical ability.
Bone Builders is free, although a $2 donation each class is suggested. No registration is necessary; new members are welcome at any time.
Originally developed for self-defense, tai chi has evolved into a low-impact form of exercise that has also been called “moving meditation.” Two new eight-week Tai Chi classes will begin at The Hub on Thursday, September 14, taught by Blake McNeill, a long-time student and teacher of tai chi.
Beginning Tai Chi is for total beginners, as well as those with some experience, who would like to learn, review, and practice the beginning movements of qi gong and the first section of the Yang form. The fee for this class is $120; the class meets on Thursday, 4 to 5 PM.
Tai Chi Continuation is intended for students who want to learn or practice the second and third sections of the Yang form. The fee for this class is $135; the class meets on Thursday, 5 to 6 PM. Pre-registration is required for either class by contacting TheAndoverHub@nullgmail.com or 603 735-5509. Payment can be made to The Andover Community Hub and mailed to The Hub at P.O. Box 157, Andover, NH 03216, or dropped off in the mail slot to the right of The Hub’s front door.
Yoga is offered at The Hub on Friday mornings, 8:30 to 9:30 AM, beginning September 1, taught by Maris Wofsy of Salisbury. This is a gentle-flow class with an emphasis on breathing, inner focus, strengthening the body for balance and function, maintaining flexibility, and reducing stress.
Beginners as well as those with experience are welcome and students may join at any time. Payment is by the month at $10/session. Contact Maris Wofsy for details and to register at 603 661-8587 or maris.wofsy@nullgmail.com.