Condensed from approved minutes
FNRT Board of Directors Meeting, held via Zoom
Board Attendees: Alex Bernhard, Amy Chan, Barbara Couturier, Steve Darling, George Heaton, Lindy Heim, Cody Hussey, Myra Mayman, Ricker Miller, Don Moyer, Tom Rousseau, Peter Southworth
Committee Members Present: Craig Heim (Administration), Patrice Rasche (Promotion)
Full Speed Ahead: Progress on the trail from end to end
Business Matters:
1. Treasurer’s Report
The “bottom line” shows funds on hand sufficient to embark on the wide variety of maintenance projects planned for this summer’s various maintenance objectives.
2. Maintenance Committee
Chair Don Moyer began his report with the annual task now underway: mowing of the Trail from Boscawen to the Lebanon City line. At the rate of about six miles per day, this should take about 10 days, weather-willing. The new mower is making the Trail look better than ever, and we are considering twice-yearly mowing.
The RTP projects — improving the Trail surface near Potato Road, in Canaan, and under the Route 4 Overpass in Grafton will begin by the end of month. This timing is particularly important due to the severe erosion from the recent rains.
Safety projects — Clogged culverts have led to erosion damage at three locations: in Boscawen, at the Farm crossing; in Franklin, at Depot Street; and in Canaan, at Blackwater Road. The Board voted to allocate funds, not to exceed $2000, for immediate repair.
Other Maintenance news —
a grant application has gone to the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy for funds to repair a bridge in Enfield;
there have been 292 volunteer hours recorded to date;
volunteers have painted gates along the Trail, now completing over 60 percent;
“911 signs” along the Trail are 34 percent complete;
although the Trail went underwater near Tewksbury Pond during recent heavy rain, it emerged without damage. We celebrate the resilience of our Trail— and its volunteers!
- Promotion Committee
Technology Leader Cody Hussey announced the exciting start of FNRT’s one-year trial membership to “Ride With GPS.” We hope to make this digital mapping service available to all Trail users via the website by the end of the month. Board members are submitting ideas for favorite rides, amenities, and points of interest to note.
Cody, Barbara Couturier, and Joe Olimpio are working together to create new maps to be posted at kiosks along the Trail. They are gathering design examples and identifying graphic designers.
3. Administration Committee
Chair Craig Heim and Tom Rousseau are leading the development of a Strategic Planning Workshop in the fall, to assess the Trail’s role, past and future, in our region and state. We hope to obtain a facilitator from the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits. And we are intent on 100 percent participation by the Board!
The Committee also feels that the work done to date on whether FNRT should take a stand on legislation has brought this issue sufficiently to the fore.
4. Pollinator corridor guidelines
Amy Chan presented a well-developed and wide-ranging document putting forward pollinator corridor guidelines and a plan for action. This document was unanimously adopted by the Board, as was the extension of the project into Enfield. Volunteer help and leadership will drive the project’s future success.
5. The Northern Rail Trail in Concord
Committee member Patrice Rasche reported on continued action and hoped-for progress in the extension of the Trail through the city of Concord, from downtown to the Hannah Duston site in Boscawen. FNRT welcomes this prospect!
6. Upcoming event
September 20 — FNRT Annual Meeting and Potluck Supper, Highland Lake Inn, 32 Maple Street, East Andover, 6 PM. All friends of the Trail are invited.