September tends to be a time we settle back into routines after the busy summer months, and we would love it if you would make a habit of visiting our libraries!
This month, the Andover Public Library will be hosting a variety of events for all ages. First, we will be expanding our weekly Story Time event. We will meet Wednesday mornings, at 10 AM, for Story Time in the Children’s Room. Afterward, there will be an optional craft or activity set up in the Reading Room to extend the fun! We hope you will join us each week as we learn new things and make new friends.
Our “Read What You Want” Silent Book Club starts on Monday, September 18, at 7 PM. This group meets once per month and there is no assigned book. You get to read whatever you want, while meeting and eating snacks with other book lovers.
Giant Game Night will be on Wednesday, September 27, from 6 to 8 PM. You will have an opportunity to play huge versions of Candyland, Jenga, Uno, and more! This will be an indoor and outdoor event for kids and adults. Our events continue to be free and open to all.
Our Library of Things is expanding! We have had a Pullerbear Pro, telescope, and New Hampshire State Parks Pass available for the last few years. We have recently added Montshire Museum Passes, a Yoto Audio Player, board games, puzzles, and Student Guitar to our offerings. We plan to continue to expand this part of our service.
If you or your organization would like to donate an item to our Library of Things, please contact the library at andoverpl11@nullgmail.com. We hope to add items like a Fish Finder Device, Vehicle Code Reader, STEM Kits for Children, GPS Tracker, and Snowshoes, but are open to any ideas you may have.
Last, we are conducting a library survey to better meet the needs of our residents. You can find the link on our Facebook page and library website. You can also stop in to either library to take the survey. Giving us your opinion helps us to better serve you! Thank you in advance for your participation.