Proctor Sends Five Students for Study Abroad

Destinations include European Art, Spain, and Ocean Classrooms

By Scott Allenby
Andover’s Norah Carlson ’24 is one of five Andover students at Proctor studying abroad this fall. Photo: David Fleming

Each trimester, more than 30 Proctor students take part in the school’s off-campus programs around the globe. This fall, Andover’s Norah Carlson ‘24 (European Art Classroom), Jason Koziol ‘24 (Proctor en Segovia, Spain), Paige Makechnie ‘25 (Ocean Classroom), Liam Murphy ‘25 (Ocean Classroom), and Addie Pine ‘25 (European Art Classroom) are all thriving abroad.

Here’s an excerpt from Jason’s recent reflection from Segovia: “After settling into Segovia for the first few weeks, I looked forward to experiencing different parts of Spain. Taking a tour bus around the city allowed me to look at Madrid’s history, culture, and architecture. 

“It was also interesting to see a city with a mix of modern-day skyscrapers and buildings dating back centuries. Also, having visited many cities before, Madrid is one of the most vibrant and lively cities I’ve ever seen. Every street we walked was bustling with hundreds of people, and felt highly packed.”

Addie shares a reflection from Aix en Provence, France: “The things we get to experience here are not only once-in-a-lifetime, but we are having magical experiences that not many people get to have in their lifetimes. We are doing so many amazing things that it is hard to believe that there was a time where I had never even thought about painting where Cezanne and Vincent painted. 

“Everything we have done has been so life-changing, and I can’t even imagine all the great experiences to come. So with all that being said, we are off to Florence and Bologna, Italy!”

Learn more about Proctor’s Off-Campus Programs at