Come Visit Our New Store

Pet friendly

Pictured here are just a few of the many products from local vendors available in our new store.

The Cilleyville Barn is a new business located at 856 Main Street, in Andover. Known for decades as Blackwater Farm, it’s been a rooming house, a mink farm, a gas station, apartments, and now an interesting store.

We’ve been here since 1976 (having spent 26 years in Alaska; and back and forth to Andover). Now we’re back in our permanent home, where we began. We remodeled our old barn a number of years ago, and here we are as The Cilleyville Barn.

Our store will be promoting local vendors and their products, antique books, license plates, highway and advertising signs. Hours will be posted on Facebook, in The Kearsarge Shopper, and in The Beacon

We love dogs, so we are pet friendly. Payment options include VENMO and SQUARE, as well as cash and local checks. For further information please email us at