It is hard to believe we are in December. This year has gone so fast. We would like to wish everyone a safe and wonderful holiday season.
On November 4 we had a very successful Neighbors Helping Neighbors. It was a busy morning where over 60 people came and filled bags to the brim with everything from clothes, shoes, appliances, and books – you name it — and all that for free! We are thankful for the opportunity to help so many families, and grateful for those who brought items and gave their hearts to the cause. What a blessing it was to give back to the community.
The Neighbors Helping Neighbors event brought an end to our rummage sales (until May). All funds have gone straight to maintenance issues around the church and Grange Hall properties, most notably the church’s foundation issue and tree-trimming needs. Thank you to everyone who stopped by, purchased something, and contributed to the cause. We are already looking forward to starting back up in the spring!
November also brought an end to two GriefShare programs facilitated by deacons Kathy and Nancy. Both programs (one at the Hub and the other in a Mobile Home park in Tilton) provided places of healing and sharing.
Looking ahead we are having a Cookie and Pie Walk on Saturday, December 16, from 8:30 to noon. This provides a great opportunity to stock up for the holidays, especially for those entertaining. The goodies you choose are weighed on a scale and priced accordingly. Pies are made upon request by calling Donna at 603 393-5470. More information will be posted on the church’s website.
Make plans to worship Christmas Eve at the church. Christmas Eve is on a Sunday this year. Our regular morning service continues at 9:30 AM (which is the Fourth Sunday of Advent). A Christmas Eve Service with Godly Play (a children’s program) and Eucharist follows at 4:30 PM. The service will conclude with the traditional singing of Silent Night, sung by candlelight.
Be sure to stay on top of things by visiting our website www.andoverchurchng.org for up to date information on our ministries and service schedules.
As we come to the end of the month we wish everyone a blessed and happy New Year.