Introducing New Director of the W A Bachelder Library

Director of Andover Public Library takes on directorship of Bachelder

By Michaela Hoover

I am Michaela Hoover, the new director of the W.A. Bachelder Library and the continuing director of the Andover Public Library. I was born and raised in Andover, left for 10 years to attend college in North Carolina, and I came back to town two years ago with my son, Santigie. I love reading and books, with fantasy, mystery, and historical fiction being my favorite genres. My favorite part of my job as town librarian is planning events for you all, especially the story times and family events.

I greatly look forward to meeting the patrons of the Bachelder Library, and I appreciate your patience as I learn your reading preferences. Lee did an excellent job there and left me with big shoes to fill. I am glad she will continue to assist our library community with story time, book clubs, WABL Walkers, and more!

As Andover’s librarian, I plan to work closely with our local schools to bring our young residents into our libraries. I want to collaborate with our town’s clubs and organizations to create events and take material suggestions so that everyone can find something of interest. I hope to apply for grants which would go towards updating our libraries and expanding what we are able to offer to our community. I also want to continue to provide our town with interesting, educational, and enjoyable books and programming.

If you ever have a question about our libraries, feel free to:

Visit our website:
Message our Facebook page: Andover NH Libraries
Call me: 603-735-5333
Email me:
Or stop in and visit!

I’ll see you all at the library.