“Jenny’s Tree” — Volunteer Effort Surprises Deserving Family

15 Andover Fire Department volunteers showed up to help

Press release
Volunteers helped to decorate the tree in Jenny Bodwell and Scott Kidder’s front yard with lights, as a surprise for Jenny. Photo: Liz Wolf

It all started with a passing comment as a small group of us were harvesting potatoes out of Jenny Bodwell and Scott Kidder’s garden in early November. Scott casually mentioned how Jenny had always wanted to have the massive tree in their front yard decorated with Christmas lights. (Jenny, you might recall from last month’s Beacon, is battling Stage 3B Hepatocellular Carcinoma.) The size of the tree made it almost impossible. Almost.

After a trip to MB Tractor in Tilton to explain the quest, MB delivered a 64′ lift Thanksgiving week.  An appeal went out to the “Crowded Table” group for donations for lights and they delivered. Les Fenton’s mind was picked “almost” clean for ideas on how to get it done. He suggested speaking with the Crete Family in Boscawen who had the big tree by the dairy farm off of Exit 17.

Volunteers helped to decorate the tree in Jenny Bodwell and Scott Kidder’s front yard with lights, as a surprise for Jenny. Photo: Liz Wolf

Martha Crete shared a plethora of things that did and didn’t work for their tree. The Andover Fire Department was amazing, with bravado and knots tied like it was their job. Fifteen men showed up and it was all hands on deck. Certainly an important part for Jenny and Scott’s little girls, the star for the top, was found by Kitty Kidder and put up by firefighter Andrew Perkins.

The best part was the unveiling. Scott wanted Jenny to be surprised, so with lots of help from his family, Jenny and their young daughters spent the day in Concord doing a little shopping and crafting. Scott picked up his family at his parents’ and told them there was a surprise waiting for them at home. 

Jenny and their daughters got in the car and Scott took them down Maple Street to Channel Road. He then asked them to cover their eyes. No peeking. At the big reveal, Jenny kept on repeating, “Oh my God, Oh my God. I can’t believe it.” It seemed like a Christmas miracle.

It is truly a community gift to a very deserving family. If you’d like to contribute to this family, please feel free to drop off a donation at The Hub at the mailbox, in an envelope marked Jenny and Scott, or Scott can be Venmo’d directly at @Scott-Kidder-8. You can designate it Jenny’s tree if you’d like!

Happy Holidays!