Andover Community Church News 

Continuing outreach and thanks

By Rev. Bill Blonquist and Donna Thompson

Here we are already into February. January has gone by so fast. We hope everyone is surviving all this crazy weather.

We continue to support Twin River Food Pantry. At the moment the Pantry is helping 77 to 140 families a week. As of this writing they are asking for low-sugar juice, canned vegetables, and low-sugar canned fruit. Also, they are accepting hygiene products, diapers, etc. 

If anyone would like to donate but has a hard time getting there during their hours, items can be dropped off on the Grange Hall porch. We would be happy to deliver your items.

For the past two months, we have been accepting offerings and donations to help victims of the Middle East war. Such a worthy cause. We will continue to receive monetary donations for the foreseeable future.

Our outreach ministry to Franklin continues each Wednesday evening at the Franklin Laundromat. Quite a colorful team has been created, who provide sandwiches, coffee, hand warmers — as well as prayer — each week from 4:00 to 5:30 PM.

We held our annual meeting on January 28. It was a time to celebrate the many events and milestones of the year. We would like to say thank you to outgoing vestry members Jeri Bacote (Sr. Warden), Larry Rees (Jr. Warden), and Jef DeMarie, for their service to our church family. Additionally, we welcome incoming members, Jeanette Messer, Eric Faller, and Seth Lewis to the vestry board. Each will serve a three-year post.

On January 16, a group from the church went to Concord State House to join the New Hampshire Right To Life March. So many people went to the event and braved the cold.

We would like to remind the community of, and invite anyone who hasn’t previously come, to the Andover Community Coffeehouse, held at the Grange Hall on the third Friday of the month. Each gathering guarantees awesome music, with food being sold to raise funds for the continued renovation of the hall. 

We would like to send out a big thank you to everyone who donated clothing to the community clothing shed. In 2023 we exported 22,668 pounds of clothing. This was enough to clothe an estimated 4,176 people all over the world. This is a blessing to help those in need. Can’t wait to see what 2024 does!

The season of Lent begins on Valentine’s Day this year and continues through March 24. Ash Wednesday services are open for all people, February 14, at 7:15 PM. In addition, A Service of Public Healing will take place each Wednesday in Lent (with Communion), at noon, in the church. All are welcome.

Please check out our website,, for more news. If you would like to talk to Pastor Bill, please call the office at 603 735-5160.