CPR and First Aid Class Returns by Popular Demand

Sunday, February 25, 1 to 4 PM

Press release

Another opportunity for CPR and First Aid training will be held on Sunday, February 25, 1 to 4 PM, at The Andover Community Hub. The instructor is Kelly Griffin-Brown, Proctor Academy’s head athletic trainer.  

The class is limited to 15, with a registration deadline of February 15, to allow time to order materials.The fee of $35 covers the course materials as well as the Heartsaver Course Completion Card supplied by the Heart Association and valid for two years.

The class will focus on CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation, also known as closed-chest heart massage) and AED (automated external defibrillation), as well as more general first-aid information, along with hands-on skill instruction for each type of emergency.

This class is appropriate for adults who have family members at high risk for medical emergencies, parents of small children, teachers or business staff who deal with the general public, and teenagers age 13 or older who may be interested in babysitting or otherwise
involved with younger children. Participants will need to be able to work at floor level and must be physically able to perform CPR on the floor.

To register, contact theandoverhub@nullgmail.com or 603 735-5509. Some financial assistance is available to those who request it. The Hub is located at 157 Main Street, Andover, New Hampshire, 03216.