The Center for the Arts–Lake Sunapee Region (CFA) is currently featuring the photographic works of two Andover residents in its current series of MicroGalleries exhibits, now open to the public at seven locations on or near Main Street in New London. Exhibiting their works at Bar Harbor Bank & Trust at 321 Main Street are Andoverites Cindy Benson and Jay Fitzpatrick, samples of whose work are shown above. Their work is described on the CFA website as follows:

“Cindy Benson has been a longtime resident of Andover and has primarily worked in the field of education in the Kearsarge area. Photography has always been a hobby, and most recently Cindy has honed her skills with the iPhone camera, teaching occasional iPhone photography workshops and showing her work in various local galleries. Her photos capture the beauty of the New Hampshire landscape, from vast expanse to the smallest detail.
“Jay Fitzpatrick started learning photography in his late teens and became a full time newspaper photographer and darkroom technician by the age of 22. Within a few years, his interests and career took a turn, switching to news reporting and editing.”
Their photographs, which will be on exhibit through April during normal banking hours, may be purchased online using a link on the CFA website at centerforthearts.org. In addition to the Bar Harbor Bank exhibit, other locations featuring local artists include Blue Loon Bakery, Candita Clayton Gallery, the New London Barn Playhouse Fleming Center, New London Hospital, and Tatewell Gallery, all accessible from Main Street in New London.