Town Elections and Town Meeting are on Tuesday, March 12:
- The polls open at 11 AM and close at 7 PM – please bring your ID
- You may request an absentee ballot, please see Lisa Meier, Town Clerk (hours below).
- You may register to vote on the 12th – please bring an ID and proof of domicile and citizenship.
- You may also request curbside voting.
- Please be an informed voter and check the March Beacon for candidate statements.
- There will be two paper ballots; one for Town Officers and one for the School District. You will be given two ballots and you must return both ballots.
- Town Meeting will start shortly after the polls close.
- You will need to check in for Town Meeting, the check in table will open at 6:45 PM. Please plan accordingly.
Of course, you may write in any name you choose on the ballot in the space for write-ins. Ideally, if you are planning on writing in a person’s name, you have already communicated with them, and you know that they are willing to be a write-in candidate.
Recording and tallying the write-in names are the most time-consuming part of counting ballots, and slow down the reporting of the results. Please use your write-in vote wisely.
Town Clerk’s Hours:
Monday: 9 AM – 3:30 PM
Tuesday: 11AM – 6 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM – 3:30 PM
Thursday: 10:30 AM – 6 PM