At the Polls — Town Election — March 12

It is my intention to seek reelection to the Andover Select Board. It has been an honor serving our community, and I am committed to continuing the progress we have made together.

Dana Swenson -— Select Board Candidate — Two-Year Term

During the past year I have focused on enhancing Board efficiency and transparency, and through organizational and administrative changes we have improved accessibility to Town services and information for all residents. Additionally, I have prioritized open communication and collaboration to ensure that the voices of all community members are heard and considered in decision-making processes.

Furthermore, I am proud of our commitment to long-range planning. By engaging in strategic foresight and proactive decision-making, we are positioning our town for sustainable growth and development while preserving our unique character and values. From infrastructure upgrades to environmental stewardship initiatives, our long-range planning efforts have laid the foundation for a prosperous community for generations to come.

Above all, I remain dedicated to providing open and honest service to the residents of Andover. I believe in accountability, integrity, and responsiveness in all aspects of governance, and I will continue to uphold these principles if reelected. Together, we can continue to build a vibrant and inclusive community where every voice matters.

I am grateful for the trust and support you have shown me, and I humbly ask for your vote once again. Together, let us continue to work toward a brighter future for our town.