Zoning Amendment: passed, 432 yes, 242 no
Select Board: number of members increase from 3 to 5: failed, 249 yes, 286 no
Select Board
• 1 yr: Faith Minton (elected) 370, Karen Coyne 330
• 3 yr: Michael Smith (elected)
Budget committee
• 3 yr: Alfred Hanson (elected) 400, Richard Bixby (elected) 344, James Sherman 335
• 2 yr: Bill Hanson (elected)
See full results at warner.nh.us/notices for other, non-contested positions. Of note: Tax Collector Marianne Howlett has retired: welcome, Kimberley Edelmann. Thank you, Marianne, for over 40 years of taking care of our tax questions!
Town meeting warrant votes: the official minutes are being worked on. In the interim, scans of the warrant voting results are on the town website.
Petitions passed: Warner Connects NH free rent; Posting of video of meetings online.
Petitions failed: 4% cap on submitted budgets; Delay of Rail Trail project near I-89 Exit 9.