Salisbury Free Library Happenings

Press release

SALISBURY – Summer Reading Storyhours, August 6 at 5 PM. 

We are very lucky to have local author Matt Forrest Esenwine coming to read us a couple of his books and do crafts with us! Please join us.

August 10 – Old Home Days in Salisbury. The Library will host a book sale from 8 to 3.

August 13 at 5 PM  – Tonight is the final evening of our summer reading program and we are lucky to be celebrating with a Tea Party hosted by our very own Judy Elliot. Please join us.  

August 22 at 6:30 PM – We are hosting a UNH Master Gardener to talk to us about seed saving. All are welcome to attend.

Saturday, August 24 at 2 PM Sheri will be here to do Yoga with us. Donations accepted and sign ups are on our website or call us and we will add you to the list!