Coffee with New AE/MS Principal

Tuesday, August 20 at 7 PM at the Hub

Press release

Andover – Andover residents will have an opportunity to meet Kelly George, the new principal at Andover Elementary Middle School, at “Coffee with the Principal” at The Andover Community Hub on Tuesday, August 20 at 7 PM, as a part of The Hub’s “Coffee with the Chief” series.  

This is an opportunity for Ms. George to introduce herself to the community and to share her excitement as she looks forward to beginning her first year as the leader of Andover’s school. With over 20 years’ experience in the field of education, the past six as an assistant principal, she is eager to bring her expertise and enthusiasm to her new role as principal.

“Coffee with the Chief” is an occasional series of informal conversations between residents and those who have leadership roles in the community, offered when new leaders or new developments in town make such opportunities for dialogue helpful.

The Hub is located at 157 Main Street, next to Pizza Chef, and is universally accessible.  For further information, contact The Hub at or 603-735-5509.