Reader Offers Rebuttal to Louise Andrus’s July Beacon Article

By Lorna Carlisle

Salisbury – Louise Andrus claims “Education is a Passion” and that “Elected Officials need to support the working class,”  Then why aren’t she and the Republicans fixing the school funding problem?  Louise and her Republican colleagues have supported “welfare for the rich” by giving money to wealthy families through the School Voucher Program (EFA’s) to attend private or religious schools. She is tearing down the public school system instead of making schools better.  Teachers are being attacked for teaching science, history, or other subjects that “she does not approve of.”

In fact, Republicans are making it worse by cutting taxes that would be paid by the rich or large corporations. They reduced the Rooms and Meals tax, and eliminated the interest and dividends tax. If those taxes were just restored to their original level, we would have a lot more money going to towns to reduce property taxes.

Her other claim is “every parent makes the decisions for their child.”  How can that be when she votes continually to NOT allow parents to make decisions as to what healthcare a child receives, or what books can be read, or what team someone can play on?  She states she is “Pro Limited Government,” yet she wants the state to be involved in a woman’s decision on when to have a child, have a medical intervention, or even when to start a family, or how large that family will be.  So, NO Louise, in my opinion — you are not a representative for all.  Freedom in this country means freedom for ALL—not just the things you like.