When Doing the Right Thing Counts; Constituent praises candidate

By Barbie Antonides

I know Candidate Deborah Aylward (R) to be a tireless champion of what is “right.” Locally, she has spent innumerable hours gathering facts to present to voters for informed decision-making; has “righted” quite a few “wrongs” with local government; and requested action by state agencies which benefited the citizenry.

Deborah is gracious and kind and will go out of her way to help others because she has an abundance of empathy for those in need and she feels it is the right thing to do. I credit Deborah with assisting me with the start-up of my successful homemade food business, and applaud her legislative pursuit of reforming the laws governing the same. She is currently working on legislative proposals which address local land use board matters to help improve the qualifications of those governing people’s property rights by mandating free training, for example.

We need principled, hard-working people like Deborah in the state government. I enthusiastically support her continued service as a State Representative, and ask voters to do the same! I know I will.