Citizen Raises Concerns about Project 2025 and ASVAB Exam

By Kent Hackmann

I am 86, a vet, and I write to alert you about one item in Project 2025, Trump’s agenda for his presidency. Project 2025 wants to increase the Army force structure by 50,000 (p. 108). To do that, Project 2025 has three recommendations (p. 103). 

One, requiring students in public high schools that get federal funding to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test (ASVAB) and thereby improve military recruiters’ access to secondary schools. Two, increasing the number of high school Junior ROTC programs. Three, encouraging members of Congress to provide time to military recruiters during each town hall session in their congressional districts.

You should know about these proposals, whether you are a parent or grandparent of a public high school age student or a concerned citizen. If volunteers do not show up, then the president might bypass Congress and issue an executive order for conscription for military service, that is, a draft. For many, the draft for the Vietnam War remains a bitter memory. 

Do we want a draft today? Do we want required ASVABs? An increase in the size of our military establishment? How does a requirement to take the ASVAB test return power to the people? These important questions deserve thoughtful discussion.