Deborah Aylward’s View from Concord — September

By Deborah Aylward

I’m hoping that registered but chronic non-voters realize that the 2024 elections are about “something that is more important than oneself.” It is a form of giving back to our great communities and the nation. It’s not about what your elected representatives can do for you, but 

what you can do for your hard-working representatives.

Amazingly, in some towns, the majority of registered voters do not vote! In the 2022 election, in District 5 (Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, and Webster) which is a two-seat district, an overwhelming number of voters did not vote for two state representatives, to which they are entitled.

For 2024, the Secretary of State reworded the ballot to be less confusing and to make it clear that voters can (and should) choose two state representatives. Voters are encouraged to “Vote for two (2).”

Did you know that more than one race has been lost by a single vote? Can citizens in District 5 towns count on you to elect principled candidates? Expecting a record turnout on voting day, every registered voter must get to the polls and encourage others to vote, vote, vote! 

Please don’t gamble on the other guy or gal to narrowly decide your future. Your vote may be the deciding vote and is critical. 

Make voting day that special day of the year when you can express all your hope and optimism for the future by casting your ballot and proudly wearing the “I Voted” sticker throughout the day. Who knows? You may inspire a chronic, registered non-voter to get to the polls after all, thus making the act of voting something that is more important than oneself.