Town Administrator Says Goodbye to Andover Citizens

Has given five weeks notice

By Scott E. Hilliard

ANDOVER-I write to you with very mixed emotions, as I served as your Town Administrator for a short eight months. Due to a family situation, I must say goodbye and work closer to my home. I wish things were different but, like you, we do what is in the best interest.

I have given the Select Board five-weeks notice and am working with them on finding my replacement. Andover is a great community, and I feel that in a short time working as a team we have accomplished many good things. (I hope more to come with the next town administrator). 

This decision did not come easily to me, but I want our citizens to know we have many hardworking, dedicated town employees and volunteers in the community. The Select Board and I have a fantastic working relationship, and they have been very open about being a governing board and not micromanaging.

It is important to me to share with the Board and the citizens the direction we are moving in as a Team. I am very proud of the people who work and volunteer for the Town; their dedication is
second to none. The job of the Town Administrator is to be the face of the community and as we look for the next Town Administrator, this needs to be in the forefront of our minds.

In closing, I want to say thank you to the many friends I knew when I came here and the many I made while working For You! I hope I have not let any of you down. I am sure you will understand why I chose to leave. Thank You.