Hersey Family Holds Their 127th Annual Reunion

Descendants of Gilman and Hannah Hersey

By Rita Norander
The 127th annual Hersey family reunion at the Grange Hall in East Andover in 2024. Photo credit: Monique Scharlotte

Andover – The descendents of Gilman and Hannah Hersey gathered on August 3 for their 127th annual reunion, which was held at the East Andover Grange Hall. Twenty-seven members were in attendance, coming from the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island.

The 65th Hersey family reunion at the Grange Hall in East Andover in 1962. Photo credit: Frank Poblenz

A potluck meal was enjoyed by all and was topped off by a variety of delicious desserts, including an ice cream cake. A brief meeting was held, and the current officers were reelected: President, Paul Hersey; Vice Presidents, Chris Duchesne and Lisa Boucher; Secretary, Monique Scharlotte; Treasurer, Lucy Hersey Twombly; and Historian, Rita Norander.  

Due to the extreme heat and humidity, the usual outside games were replaced by indoor activities — near the fans — as people talked and visited and shared their past year’s news. Some of the younger members enjoyed a cool dip in Highland Lake before heading home.