Things Are Blossoming at Andover Community Church

By Linda Wickstrom

ANDOVER-There are so many activities, outreaches, services, and growth happening at Andover Community Church. So many of those “lazy summer days!”

Bishop’s Visit. As summer activities and vacations are winding down and kids are out with their parents school shopping for clothing and school supplies, we at ACC (Andover Community Church) are anticipating an annual event in the life of our church family. Our Bishop, Rt. Rev. Andrew Williams of the ADNE (Anglican Diocese of New England) will be visiting our church, September 8 at the 9:30 AM service. Preparations are well underway! Bishop Andrew will be confirming and receiving new members into the Anglican denomination, welcoming new members to the church, and reaffirming those who want to confess their faith or renew their commitment to Christ. Classes have been underway after Sunday services to prepare the candidates and answer their questions. Finally, we will all celebrate the day with a barbecue picnic following the service!  We invite all to come and see and hear our Bishop (and get in on some fine BBQ, too!).

Rummage Sales. Our monthly Rummage, Bake and Pre-Made meals continue with great popularity and success. Thank you all for coming out to them! The next sale will be on Saturday, September 28, from 8 AM – 2 PM.

GriefShare Continues. Beginning in September, Griefshare, a faith-based program for those needing help in coping after the loss of a loved one, will again be offered at two different venues, starting September 16 and running for eight weeks. Deacon Nancy Phillips and team will be facilitating both of these venues. The afternoon class will be in Tilton from 1 – 3 PM. The evening class will be at the Andover Hub from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Please pass the word to folks you know who have lost a loved one. For more information on times and locations, call or text Nancy Phillips at 412 760-3576 or contact the church office through the church website:

Missions: Water For Africa. Our mission raising money for the drilling of a bore well in Kenya will be drawing to a close September 15. Thank you all who donated (or bought cotton candy at Franklin Days) to support the cause. So far our church has raised more than $1,000 towards our goal of 10K! We are looking forward to our next mission project starting in October. More about that next month. (Hint: it has to do with Christmas and the entire community is invited to participate!)

In these times of uncertainty we remain a place where all are invited to rest, be restored, and grow in faith through our Lord Jesus Christ. Grace and peace to you and yours.