In Defense of Local, Committed Art

By Nathan French

ANDOVER – In response to Kim Baer’s recent opinion piece in the last edition of The Andover Beacon, I’d like to mention the importance of context. She claims a sign on Route 11 “…appears to call  for the killing and dismembering of State Representative Andrus” when it advocates no such actions.

The sign – the owner has chosen to self-censor and remove it – stood next to a second sign. While placed physically separate, together they read “Live with Lorna Carlisle / Die with GOP – Louise Andrus,” Is that not a reference to our state motto? To argue that the display, albeit having strong imagery and language, advocated for the assassination of an elected official is a misunderstanding, at best. At worst, Mrs. Baer offers us willful misinterpretation, smearing a town resident.

Lastly, as a member of our community, I support many of the politically committed signs at the aforementioned location and Route 11. They also have artistic value, which is more than can be said of the majority of political signage (Republican, Democratic, or otherwise) we see in our town.

Thank you,
Nathan French