Constituent Makes Case to Re-elect Deborah Aylward

By Debi Langlais

Please vote to re-elect Incumbent, Deborah Aylward as State Representative. Why? Because I’ve seen her in action, and have no doubts about her abilities to properly serve her constituents in the State House.

She is readily accessible and highly responsive, which are character traits we demand of our representatives. She possesses the strength and fortitude of a distinguished stateswoman, and carries herself as someone who is truly proud to hold her position on behalf of the people she serves.

Deborah is someone who is troubled by injustice, who does something about it, and further cares more about altruism than personal gain. Her goal is to uplift others and spread compassion. Nothing lights Deborah up like changing someone else’s life for the better. All she asks for in return — is your vote! 

Debi Langlais