Andrus Rebuts Rebuttal to Her July Beacon Article

By Louise Andrus

SALISBURY – This is in answer to, “Reader Offers Rebuttal to Louise Andrus’s July Beacon Article, written by Lorna Carlisle.” Lorna forgot to tell the readers she is a Democrat candidate and opponent to Louise Andrus for a New Hampshire House seat. 

Rooms & Meals tax reduction puts money back into the pockets of the consumers, which grows the economy. As of January 1, 2024, the State’s rainy day fund was $291.5 million. The fund keeps growing, so why would we keep taxing when it’s unnecessary?

The Education Freedom Account (EFA) comment by Lorna suggests to me that she should obtain information and learn the real facts of EFAs, and maybe that of another avenue for education which is Public Charter Schools. Several websites:  

Charter school report states that there are 5,695 students enrolled, and the average cost to educate each student is $9,985. Compare this to the average cost per pupil for district public schools which is about $19,400.

EFA’s –  here are a couple of websites with info: and 

According to the DOE there are 4,211 enrolled in EFAs. Over 22 million dollars are available, and the average grant could be up to $5,255. If the 4,211 EFA students attended a traditional public school, the cost to taxpayers would be about $95.6 million.

Alternative education saves money and helps students who need an alternative setting to thrive. Why would anyone be against alternative education if it is just what is right for the student?

Teaching science, history, or other subjects, I am not against. What I am against is the indoctrination of students with a system of ideology which is a form of philosophy rather than utilizing the facts. As for teaching sex education in our schools, it is not the school’s and government’s responsibility.

Yes, I stand for and with parental rights with one exception. That is HB 619 which I supported and voted for is “an act to require a person to attain the age of majority for genital gender reassignment surgery.”

New Hampshire has a law on abortion, which I abide by..

Representing the people of my district is something I do not take lightly. I listen to everyone. But that does not mean I agree with everyone. What I stand for is why 2,021 voters voted for me as a House Member in 2022. We have two distinct sides, conservatives and progressives, and they will never reach agreement on most issues.