Louise Andrus’ View from Concord – September

By Louise Andrus

SALISBURY – September 10 will be the New Hampshire Primary. I am encouraging everyone to vote. It is a privilege to vote and is crucial that each one of us be a part of the election process in New Hampshire.

Here is a brief summary of several bills:
On July 19, 2024, Governor Sununu signed a bill of which I was the prime sponsor, HB 1205, fairness in women’s sports. The bill was to protect females with fairness and safety in female sports in New Hampshire public schools, grades 5 through 12. The bill was a team effort from a group of citizens known as the Newbury Conservative Coalition, who obtained and read 20 bills that had become state laws in other states, and then the group created the bill submitted to me. Thank you for all the hard work of the Republican co-sponsors (House and Senate members).  Thank you to the Republican members of the House and Senate Education committees and to the Republicans in the Full House and Full Senate for your votes. A special thank you to the citizens of New Hampshire that called and emailed the House and Senate  members, and the Governor requesting he sign the bill. 

The bill’s final version: Chapter 228 can be found at the New Hampshire General Court Website: gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/billinfo.aspx?id=1501&inflect=2.

On July 19, Governor Sununu signed HB 619, an act to require a person to attain the age of majority for genital gender reassignment surgery. I voted in favor of this bill. The chapter version of the bill can be found at: gencourt.state.nh.us/bill_status/billinfo.aspx?id=71&inflect=2.

SB 563, relative to federal immigration enforcement. This bill would have prohibited state and local government entities from adopting sanctuary policies to prohibit the enforcement of federal immigration law. This bill was laid on the table with a majority vote from the Democrats. I voted nay to lay this bill on the table.

A reminder: Vote on September 10, 2024, in the New Hampshire Primary. Have a great Fall.

Representative Louise Andrus, 406 Raccoon Hill Road, Salisbury NH  03268. 603 648-2510, l.a.andrus21@nullgmail.com.