Friends, I am a retired U.S. Navy Commander, husband, father, and product of this district.
I served as an accredited diplomat overseas, an intelligence officer on aircraft carriers, a director of a maritime intelligence operations center, and an executive officer in a NATO unit. I have conducted counterinsurgency analysis for the Pentagon and elected officials, including the President. Through multiple deployments, I participated in Operations Southern Watch, Iraqi Freedom, New Dawn, Enduring Freedom, and Noble Eagle, as well as the Iraq Survey Group and counter-drug operations. After retiring from the Navy and returning, I served as the Andover Town Moderator.

Now I want to combat political aggression. There is a moderate, bi-partisan majority out there looking for a home. We will find it and give voice to the radical concepts of civility and compromise under a common, American, identity. Let’s defy ideological conformity.
I will work to limit government interference in your private medical decisions and improve mental health care for vets and first responders. I will champion your right to personal and home defense, while encouraging responsible, level-headed gun culture. I will work to roll back sneaky tax cuts for New Hampshire’s wealthiest, which increased your property taxes. I will protect besieged public schools, incentivize teaching, and undo the fiscally unsustainable, unaccountable, and unconstitutional voucher system. I will work to keep New Hampshire’s lakes clean, its air pure, and its forests thriving with a reinvigorated forest products industry.
We can do this. I respectfully ask for your vote.