Wilmot Town Hall Gets Restored to Glory

Thanks to an LCHIP grant

Press Release

WILMOT – Thanks to an LCHIP grant, the former Grange building on North Wilmot Road, built in 1906, has been raised above potential floodwaters from Kimpton Brook.

Known as the Town Hall, #9 North Wilmot Road is the site for Town Meeting, elections, and community events. Joists below the floor were found to have dry rot due to the building’s proximity to Kimpton Brook and incidents of flooding. In 2011, flooding from Tropical Storm Irene damaged the hall and the nearby Congregational Church. Church members subsequently raised and renovated the church in 2012.
Project manager Jeff Gill obtained the grant from the Land and Community Heritage Program, which raises funds for historic renovations by sales of the distinctive moose license plates, as well as surcharges on four types of deeds. LCHIP’s guidelines required the town to contribute matching funds. The renovation restored much of the structure under the floor and raised the building two feet. The Town Hall was open for the September 10 primary election, and will host its first public celebration with the annual Donkeys to Donuts festival on October 12.