Louise Andrus’ View from Concord – October

By Louise Andrus

SALISBURY – My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of William Leber of Andover, who died on September 1. Bill served in many organizations and was a New Hampshire State Representative for four terms, beginning in 1996. He was a great person and helped many people during his life.  

October is here and in a few weeks it will be the General Election on November 5, for Federal and State elections. Take the time and vote. It is a privilege and honor to have this ability. Do not take the right to vote for granted as there are countries in the world where the people do not have the right to vote.

Prior to the 2022 election, the State Representatives were elected from two individual districts,  one representative in each of the districts. Redistricting changed Andover, Danbury, Hill, Salisbury, and Webster to District 5 with two representatives, and then district 26 with one representative. In 2022 there was a large “under vote” for Republican and Democrat candidates by voters in District 5. The reason was the voters did not realize they could vote for two candidates in District 5 for State Representative.

The explanation of “under vote” is, for example: a total of 100 people vote, and only 55 people vote for all the candidates on the ballot for Governor. Therefore, there would be a total of 45 under votes as forty-five of the one hundred voters did not vote for a Governor candidate.
In the Primary on September 10, 2024, the ballot for District 5 State Representative stated:   “Vote for up to two. Two will be elected.”

We have found that some voters missed this message and did not realize that they could vote for two. I know this since a friend was talking to voters who said they did not realize they could indeed vote for two. I also spoke with a couple who are friends, and they indicated they did not realize they could vote for two. 

Here is the total undercount of votes in district 5, which includes Republican and Democrat under votes (info taken from election sheets):  Andover under votes 256, Salisbury under votes 220, Danbury under votes 146, Webster under votes 295, Hill under votes 186.  Total under votes for District 5 State Representative was 1,103 Republicans and Democrats.

We need to do better and educate the voters before the November election ballot that states for State Representative in District 5 “Vote for up to two. Two will be elected.”

As a personal aside, the sign that was previously placed in Andover on Route 11 which said “Die with GOP Louise Andrus” would have been acceptable with just that part on it. Under the sign the addition of props that resembled body parts and blood was unacceptable and offensive, and it felt like a hostile action against me. That may not have been the intention, but that is what it looked like and, in my opinion, the sign with the resemblances added went beyond freedom of speech. Am I afraid?  No!  But I am now always looking over my shoulder so to speak, which is something I should not have to do because of a sign.

If you wish to contact me I can be reached l.a.andrus21@nullgmail.com, 603 648-2510, or 406 Raccoon Hill Road, Salisbury 03268.