Entreaty that New Hampshire Elections be Factual and Respectful

By Stephen Pierce

I read a letter from Karen Cangiano in the Hillsborough Messenger (9/13/2024). She appears to support Stu Green. All of her letter needs context and fact but I will limit my reply to her commentary regarding Dan Innis:

“Innis voted against reproductive freedom and for the suppression of free speech in the classroom, has also used inflammatory and divisive rhetoric and dismissed the results of free and fair elections.” I know Dan Innis and his voting record is available online at New Hampshire  Senate Roll Call. 

Dan is a former Dean in the Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics. He was also Chair of the UNH Faculty Senate. I doubt he suppresses free speech or uses inflammatory and divisive rhetoric. 

Ms. Cangiano’s opening comment needs context. Current New Hampshire law is supported by 70 percent of the voters. It does not get more bipartisan than that. 

It was crafted carefully to reflect divergent views. A well formed law; very reflective of our New Hampshire society. Ms. Cangiano believes free speech does not extend to comment on elections. I feel that is very sad.

Perhaps Ms. Cangiano can elaborate and support her comments. Perhaps she cannot. Her comments need context and facts before taking them seriously. 

Support your candidate but do not disparage others. It reflects poorly on you and on your candidate. Can someone in Andover defend or denounce Ms. Cangiano’s “divisive rhetoric”?

Abraham Lincoln once said: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” A word to the wise.

Stephen Pierce