Pleasant Lake Protective Association Offers Informative Newsletter

Lake and wildlife photos and updates

Press release

NEW LONDON — The Pleasant Lake Protective Association has been producing newsletters for many years. Kittie Wilson originally created “All Things Pleasant” for the growing list of local PLPA members.

In 2007, a pair of loons on Pleasant Lake successfully hatched and fledged two chicks for the first time in our records. Jen Esten followed their development, providing Kittie Wilson with photos for her newsletter. Over time, Kittie became involved with photography as well. 

In 2018, Kittie Wilson passed away. Jen Esten and her husband, Jon Waage, decided to continue the newsletter, expanding its focus to include all of nature within the watershed. The name was changed to “The Nature of Pleasant Lake.”

Our newsletter is now distributed to almost 900 people, many of whom forward it on to family and friends. Photos of loons on the lake, taken from kayaks, continue to be the central focal point of the newsletter. With Jon’s natural history background and our wild backyard, each issue now contains our photographs and information on all sorts of flora and fauna from within the watershed.

Jen Esten has followed the Pleasant Lake loons ever since the first chicks hatched in 2007. The loons motivated her to develop her photography skills and learn more about birds in general.

Jon Waage joined Jen on Pleasant Lake in 2018. Jon is a Professor Emeritus of Evolutionary Biology and Animal Behavior from Brown University. He studied dragonflies and damselflies for many years, and developed his photography skills to enhance his research and lectures. 

To see the most recent newsletters and join the mailing list, visit the website: