Eighth Graders Raise Funds with Movie Night

Funds finance class trip to Maine next May

By Maycee Bartee
Eighth graders Leon Shinerock-Rocher and Adryanna McDonald have fun making bags of cotton candy for the school movie night.  Caption and photo: Kasey Schoch

On October 4, the AE/MS eighth graders planned, organized, and held a school-wide movie night. Just outside of the school, students gathered around to watch “Hotel Transylvania” to fund-raise for the eighth-grade trip to Maine next May. There have been outdoor movie nights at the school before, but never one that was open to the entire student body.

The beginning phases of the planning for this event included assigning the students in the class groups for permission-slip collecting, creating, and counting. Other eighth graders headed the food and a poster committee. After much debate about what movie to watch, one was chosen that would be fun and appropriate for all ages.

As we got closer to the big event, the kids collecting and counting permission slips were busy running around, making sure they had all the needed paperwork and counting the money. The kids handling the food were busy ordering and organizing the snacks and drinks, while the kids on the poster committee had their beautiful posters hung around the school, trying to get those last-minute sign-ups. The event was a hit, with 105 moviegoers in attendance and $493 raised for the trip! 

The eighth grade really put their all into making this event a success. It brought together a strong work ethic and lots of leadership by many students. Shoutout to Ms. Laroche, Mrs. Bent, and all of the other teachers and staff for helping the night of the event, as well!