Peabody Place Responds to Opinion Letter in November Beacon

By Craig Jacobson, Vice President

This letter is from the Peabody Place Board of Managers (Peabody Board) in response to a letter published in the November Beacon submitted by Les Fenton with Laurie Zimmerman, dated October 19, and titled “East Andover Resident Voices Concerns About Condo Plans.”

There is a direct statement in that letter that Mr. Pecco Beaufays has “partnered with the Peabody Home in Franklin to focus his project on senior housing and, possibly, assisted living.” That statement is not accurate as there is no partnership in place. Mr. Beaufays has visited Peabody Place for a facility tour and general discussion with our Executive Director on our operation and procedures, and how the two entities may be able to work together in the future, but these were just general discussions and at this time there is no partnership or management agreement with Mr. Beaufays.

Please also note that the correct name for our new facility is Peabody Place, which was a change that took place during our multi-phased, multiyear construction project with completion in April of 2022. We are a properly licensed facility built to current state and federal requirements for memory care, assisted living, and independent living. Our construction was fully supported by the USDA, New Hampshire State, the City of Franklin, its departments, including the Franklin Fire Department, and the local community.