Louise Andrus’s View from Concord — December

By Louise Andrus

Thank you to all the voters of Andover, Danbury, Hill, Salisbury, Webster for your votes on November 5 and reelecting me to one of the New Hampshire House Representative positions. I do not take your vote for granted. Thank you for having faith in me to serve you.

What’s next!! The New Hampshire House will meet in December for an Organizational Day, in Representatives Hall in the State House. The  first session of 2025 will be on January 8. These days are scheduled as directed by the New Hampshire Constitution.

I would like the voters of my district and from all over New Hampshire to become involved in the bill process that will be taking place in 2025. Voter input is a necessary part of the process. I believe when enough citizens have input into the bills of the House and Senate, it makes a difference on the outcome of the bill. 

The New Hampshire General Court website (www.gencourt.state.nh.us/) has a wealth of information on the House and the Senate. Tour the website and become familiar with it. You can look up and follow bills by subscribing to the bill. 

Whenever there is a meeting, etc., a notice will be emailed to you on that bill. When a bill is in committee for a public hearing, if you cannot attend, submit information or submit it online.  There is a House calendar each week and YouTube of meetings. 

There is a type of bill I would like input from you and that is on “omnibus” bills. A bill of this nature may have many items in the bill and many may be unrelatable to the original purpose of the bill and some of the proposals in the bill may be costly or unnecessary to the taxpayers.  In my opinion, omnibus bills are unacceptable and we have to stop them.

I hope each of you and your family have a very Happy Holiday Season. Representative Louise Andrus can be reached at 406 Raccoon Hill Rd, Salisbury NH  03268, 603 658-2510, or l.a.andrus21@nullgmail.com