Community Walking Launches Indoors at Proctor

Farrell Fieldhouse, Monday through Friday, 8–10 AM

Press release
Folks walking recently at the Proctor gym. Photo Credit: Susan Chase

ANDOVER — Area residents who enjoy walking for fitness or whose doctors have encouraged them to walk for various health conditions are able to walk indoors this winter, through a collaboration between Proctor Academy and The Andover Community Hub. Walking in the gym of the Farrell Fieldhouse on the Proctor campus is available Monday through Friday, 8 – 10 AM.  

Interested area residents are asked to register through The Hub, to sign a liability waiver, and to bring a pair of clean shoes for walking indoors. Hub volunteers help with community outreach and coordinate the daily walking.

“We’re pleased to be able to provide this service to Andover residents,” said Gregor Makechnie, Proctor Director of Athletics. “Walking is important for health at any age, but icy roads and unsure footing can be a real hazard, especially for older folks. Our gym is unused by students and staff in the early morning so this is a win-win for all.”     

Interested residents can contact The Hub at, or leave a phone message at 603 735-5509 to register for walking and receive directions to the gym and parking.