TILTON — The New Hampshire Veterans Home will host a community blood drive with the American Red Cross on Wednesday, February 5, from 11 AM to 4 PM, at 139 Winter Street, in Tilton. All donors will receive a $15 e-gift card to a merchant of choice from the Red Cross.
Donors can help save a life in just an hour. To make an appointment to give blood or Power Red donations, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1 800 733-2767) or register online at rcblood.org/3PqwToE.
“The New Hampshire Veterans Home’s vision is to be a veterans’ chosen home and community where caring is assured,” said Commandant Kim MacKay. “We care about our veterans’ wishes in what they would like to have happen in their home. The Veterans Home annual drive began when our 2023 Resident Council President, Allan Bailey, asked his New Hampshire Veterans Home Resident Council Officers, our veterans, and our staff, about holding a Blood Drive.
“We were honored to fulfill Allen’s vision and hold our first Blood Drive in 2023. In addition to fulfilling Allan’s wishes, there’s no better feeling than knowing that your blood donation may give someone a second chance at life. To continue to help save lives, please join us,” said MacKay.
Blood is a perishable product that can only come from volunteer blood donors. With someone in the US needing blood every two seconds, blood products must be constantly replenished, according to the Red Cross. Donors with all blood types are needed, especially those with types O negative, A negative, and B negative.
After the holidays during the cold New England winter months, the American Red Cross sees a decline in donors which can affect patient care. It is critically important that donors make an appointment to give now to help maintain a stable blood supply.
About the New Hampshire Veterans Home: the New Hampshire Veterans Home is home to 135 men and women veterans who have served their country and fellow New Hampshire citizens. NHVH was established in Tilton in 1890 as the Soldier’s Home for Civil War Veterans and is a recipient of the Platinum Veteran-Friendly Business award from the Department of Military Affairs & Veterans Services, as well as quality care and business inspiration awards.
The mission of NHVH is to provide high quality, professional long-term care services to the Granite State’s elderly and disabled veterans, with dignity, honor, and respect. NHVH is the State’s only long-term care facility dedicated exclusively to veterans. For more information, call 603 527-4400 or visit nh.gov/veterans and facebook.com/nhveteranshome.
About the American Red Cross: the American Red Cross shelters, feeds, and provides comfort to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; distributes international humanitarian aid; and supports veterans, military members, and their families. The Red Cross is a nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission. For more information, visit redcross.org or on Twitter at @RedCross.