SRK Greenway’s 2024 Annual Report

Founded in 1993 as a volunteer nonprofit organization

By Sooze Hodgson and Kayden Will
SRK Greenway hikers on the summit of Mt. Kearsarge.  Photo: Kayden Will

ANDOVER — The Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Coalition (SRKGC) was founded in 1993. It is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote hiking and land conservation. A 75-mile hiking trail forming a loop known as the SRK Greenway was built to link the most prominent peaks in the area — Mt. Sunapee, Ragged Mountain, and Mt. Kearsarge.

The SRK Greenway extends through 10 towns and of its 75 miles of trails, 9.4 miles of SRKG trails are in Andover, with ancillary trail connections to Proctor Academy trails and Morey Pond in Wilmot. The SRKG Trail #10 enters Andover from Twist Hill Road  (off Kearsarge Mountain Road just below the entrance to the Kearsarge State Park on the Winslow side of Mt. Kearsarge). Shortly after entering the gravel road part of Twist Hill Road, there is a spur trail to Morey Pond, a delightful 1.6-mile loop off SRK Trail #10. 

Trail #10 comes down Dawes Road, links to Bridge Street, and ends at Proctor Academy near the Field House. SRKG Trail #9 begins at the Proctor Field House near the tennis courts, goes up to the east and west peaks of Ragged Mountain, and has an ancillary spur trail to Balanced Rock on the south side of Ragged Mountain. Trail #9 goes past one of the Ragged Mountain ski area towers and then descends into Wilmot, coming out at a trailhead on New Canada Road. 

Much of SRK Trail #9 passes over private property and would not exist were it not for the generosity of many private landowners. The SRKG has a trailhead kiosk near the Proctor Academy field house, with maps of all the SRKG trails and information about the Proctor woodlands. This kiosk was financed by the SRKG from charitable donations to the SRKG through the Scott Hollinger Family Memorial funds.  

On July 8, 2024, the SRKG held its in-person annual meeting and potluck cookout at Wadleigh State Park. Thirty-nine people attended the meeting. 

Certificates of completion and medallions were presented to some of the 12 hikers and one trail runner who had registered on the SRKG website that they had completed the 75 miles of trails in the last year. One hiking dog, who also attended the barbecue, was recognized as having completed the 75-mile circuit. 

During the first weekend in August 2024, the SRKG and the SIX03 Endurance program once again hosted the “Ragged 75” trail runners national competition. Thirty-three trail runners completed the 75-mile race over three days. Seventy other racers participated in the one-day 50-mile trail run that weekend. 

During 2024, many SRKG members and volunteers, including members of the SIX03 Endurance program, provided hours of trail clearing and put up hundreds of new blazes on the SRKG trails. Many volunteer hours of trail clearing and trail work were done on the Ragged Mountain SRKG trails. 

Hiking on the SRKG trails continues to be an important part of the Wilderness Orientation for Proctor Academy, with several groups completing their five-day backpacking trips using the trails in Andover and the surrounding area. In September, two groups of 10 students and faculty enjoyed fantastic weather as they hiked into the backcountry from Proctor’s campus, with memorable stops at the summit of Mt. Kearsarge and Balanced Rock.

To learn more about the SRKG, or to join as a member, please visit our SRKG website at, or visit us on FaceBook. The 4th edition of the SRK Greenway Trail Guide and Maps is available through the SRKG website, or can be purchased at the Morgan Hill Bookstore in New London. Thank you for your support and we hope you enjoy our trails!