Annual Ice Fishing Derby Attracts Record 224 Attendees

Great weather for Highland Lake event

Press release

ANDOVER – The Andover Fish & Game Club held their annual Ice Fishing Derby on Highland Lake on Sunday, January 26, on a cold but sunny day. There was a record turnout of 185 adults and 39 kids! The fishing was very successful, with many people catching something.

The first place winner for the Adult Division was Ben Lafrance, and the first place winner for the Youth Division was LeeAnn Ainsworth.

Also, we would like to acknowledge Steve Smith’s 50th anniversary as a member of our club. The Andover Fish and Game Club recognized Steve Smith for his 50 year anniversary with the Fish and Game Club. Steve has demonstrated dedicated service and commitment to the club throughout the decades and continues to be an active member. His contribution of time and presence over the years has served our community and enhanced the growth and knowledge of local children and adults in regards to the Fish and Game club initiatives and values. He always has the best intentions for the local Youth programs offered at the fish and game club and his expertise has helped grow the organization.  We thank him for his many years of service and support.

LeeAnn Ainsworth wins 1st place in the Ice Fishing Derby’s Youth Division.
Ben Lafrance wins 1st place in the Ice Fishing Derby’s Adult Division.